Project Implementation Review Mission –​​ March​​ 2024

Implementation Review Mission for the Reduction of Landslide Vulnerability by Mitigation Measures Project (RLVMMP) was conducted from 11th​​ March to 15th​​ March​​ 2024.

The mission objectives (for the original project’s components and the​​ Emergency Health Component) were to​​ 

  • Discuss​​ the implementation progress

  • Assess the progress toward achieving the project objective​​ 

  • Discuss fiduciary aspects

  • Supervise social and environmental safeguard aspects​​ 

  • Conduct site visits (applicable for original components)

The mission was led by Mr. Tomás Herrero Diez (Project Team Leader) and included Mr. Susrutha Goonasekera (Senior Social Development Specialist), Ms. Nurul Mutmainnah (Financial Management Associate), Mr. Towshikur Rahman (Investment Associate), Mr. Rizal Rivai (Procurement Consultant), Ms. Chongwu Sun (Senior Environment and Social Development Consultant), Mr. Deepal Fernando (Procurement Consultant), Mr. Michael Tessitore (Highway Design Consultant) and Ms. Shiwen Dong (Admin Assistant)​​ as members.

The agenda of the mission was as follows;

Day 1 (March​​ 11, 2024)

Mission Kickoff Meeting

Kick-off Meeting for NBRO Component​​ 

Kick-off Meeting for Emergency Health Component

Day 2 (March​​ 12, 2024)

Field Visits​​ 

Day 3 (March​​ 13, 2024)

Field Visits​​ 

Day 4 (March​​ 14, 2024)

Meeting with NBRO on E&S Wrap-up Meeting for the Health


Day 5 (March​​ 15, 2024)

Combined Wrap-up Meeting with NBRO and ERD

Kick-off Meeting for NBRO Component

The kick-off meeting for the NBRO component was held at NBRO Auditorium on 11th​​ March 2024.

Mission Field Visit from 12th​​ March​​ 2023 to 13th​​ March​​ 2023

The mission field visit was conducted by two teams in separate areas as follows.​​ 

Team 01 visited​​ 11​​ pre-selected sites at Packages 4A, 4C, 5A, 5B, 5C and 5D​​ with the participation of​​ Mr. Susrutha Goonasekera,​​ Mr. Towshikur Rahman, a representative from the Ministry of Defence (MOD) and officials from the Project Management Unit (PMU).

Team 02 visited​​ 13​​ pre-selected sites at Packages-07​​ (Lot-04, Lot-06,​​ Lot-5,​​ Lot-01) and Package-03​​ with the participation of Mr. Tomás Herrero,​​ Mr. Michael Tessitore,​​ Geol: R M S Bandara, a Ministry of Defense representative and PMU officials.

Further, the chief priest of Mahameuna Asapuwa, Kalutara,​​ principal of​​ Ananda Sastralaya,​​Mathugama,​​ principal of​​ Pahala Hewessa Kanista Vidyalaya and key staff members of the relevant contractors also joined the mission at the sites.

Some photographs captured during the mission field visit are stated below.

Team 01

Team 02